Become a Pedal Commander Test
and Sales Center

What are the advantages of being a test and sales center? Why should I be a testing and sales center?

pedal commander

Being a Test and Sales Center has many advantages. To summarize, we can list the following clauses;

  • -Pedal Commander is the most advanced throttle response device known worldwide. It spends significant advertising budgets for brand awareness and product promotion. Therefore, you don't need to make any additional promotional expenses.

  • -You don't need to spend any additional effort to find test users to test the product. Depending on your location and socket stock, the system directly directs users who want to test the product to you.

  • -You don't need to make any effort to explain the product and convince the test user to make a purchase. Users who are already familiar with the product and eager to test it will come to your test center.

  • -More than 90% of our test drivers have indicated their decision to purchase the product. You can achieve sales here with high profit margins.
  • -To take advantage of high profit margins, all you need to do is apply and conduct test drives by installing the suitable device on users' vehicles :) (Product installation can be easily done within 5-10 minutes.)

How can I become a Test and Sales Center?

pedal commander

If you own a business in the automotive sector, you can become one of the Pedal Commander Test and Sales Centers in 4 steps.

  • Fill out the 'Application Form' on this page.
  • Your application will be evaluated by the relevant department, and you will be contacted. In the next stage, you will undergo training about Pedal Commander and the testing process.
  • After the training, download the 'Pedal Commander Test and Sales Center Mobile Application' (PEDEM) to your phone and log in using the reference code provided to you.
  • You can view customers who create test requests through the mobile application and start test drives by inviting them to your test and sales center.

Application Form

pedal commander

Application Form

Please enter your information completely so that we can contact you.(Fields marked * are required.)

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. Your application has been successfully completed. Our responsible department will contact you as soon as possible

An error occurred while creating your application

Please try again later. You can report the problem by contacting us using our contact details.

There is already an ongoing application via this email!

Please wait until your application is completed. If you would like to create a test order for a different vehicle, you can complete your application using a different email address.